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Can I reuse Ilford fixer?

Remember you can reuse your diluted fixer several times. So, 500ml will go a long way! We recommend a Chemical Storage Bottle 1L to keep your diluted fixer in. Ilford Rapid Fixer is also available in 1L and 5L bottles.

How long does Ilford fixer last?

Full, unopened bottles of ILFORD RAPID FIXER concentrate stored in cool conditions, 5–20ºC (41–68ºF), will keep for two years. Once opened use completely within six months and keep all bottles tightly sealed until used.


A half-full bottle of Kodak or Ilford rapid fixer will lose its potency in only 2 months compared to a full bottle’s 6-month shelf life.

How long does ILFORD RAPID FIXER take?

Next pour in the ILFORD RAPID FIXER solution. Start the clock as you finish pouring, then agitate, as you did during development, until fixation is complete. This will take 3 minutes. Once again, the time is not critical provided it is over 3 minutes.

How do I test my Ilford rapid fixer?

Dip it in the mixed fixer, and record the time needed to clear the film. The fix time is 2x that value. If the value changes, change your fix time. Fixer is good until it begins to get cloudy, or a yellowish scum forms on the bottle, or you smell rotten eggs when you open the bottle.

How do you mix Ilford stop bath?

To prepare your stop bath, dilute Ilford Ilfostop 1+19. That means one part Ilfostop to nineteen parts water. The dilution is the same for both paper and film processing. Make sure you mix together thoroughly before use.

Does Ilford developer expire?

What’s the shelf life of ILFOSOL 3 film developer? Unopened, ILFOSOL 3 will last about 18 months. Once open, it should be used within three months.

How many rolls Ilford rapid fixer?

The Ilford Rapid Fix will do 24 rolls of 35mm/36exp—80 sheets of 8X10 RC—40 sheets of 8X10 Fiber all per litre.

How many times can you reuse Ilford rapid fixer?

In my experience it isn’t usually necessary to check clearing times for fresh fixer up to five reuses. Age may also be a factor, tho’ I’ve reused paper fixer for up to six months. I mix up a gallon at a time so it lasts quite a while.

How do you mix Ilford developer?

MULTIGRADE developer is supplied as a liquid concentrate and is economical to use. The recommended dilution is 1 part developer mixed with 9 parts water. Mix only as much developer as is needed for that particular printing session.

How long does stop bath last?

Stop baths will keep just about forever even if the color vanishes from the indicator in some cases. You don’t need a wash after a stop even if you are using TF-4 for fixer, and espeicially if you are using an acid fix.

What is the temperature of an Ilford rapid fixer?

ILFORD RAPID FIXER is a non-hardening rapid fixer supplied as a liquid concentrate that is diluted with water for use. It is easy and convenient to use in the temperature range of 18–40ºC (66–104ºF) for fixing black and white film and paper in all manual and machine processing applications.

What kind of film developer is Ilford simplicity?

This product is also available in a pre-measured sachet under the name ILFORD SIMPLICITY Film Developer. This developer enables fine grain and good sharpness. It is also suitable for rotary processors.

What kind of dilution is Ilford Photo sachet?

It is suitable for spiral tanks and trays and available as a 5L item. It is used at a 1+4 dilution. In addition to our normal range of black and white processing chemistry. We also offer ILFORD SIMPLICITY which is a range of photo chemical sachets for convenient, single-use film processing.