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Can I make a fake FB account?

Go to and select Create New Account. Use a fake first and last name, fill in your email or phone number, add a fake birthday and gender. Make sure not to use any of your real details to avoid accidentally revealing your identity. Facebook will also ask permission to access your contacts.

Can you have 2 Facebook accounts with same email address?

Although you technically cannot create two separate Facebook accounts from one email address, you can use Facebook as two or more separate entities from the same Facebook account. Facebook allows you to create Pages for business, which can be managed from your personal profile account.

How create Facebook account step by step?

From the Computer

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your name, email or cell phone number, password, date of birth, and gender.
  3. Click Create an account (remember you must be at least 14 years old to do this).
  4. Finally, you’ll need to confirm the email address or cell phone number you entered earlier.

How do I start a Facebook account?

Steps to create new Facebook account. 1. Open Facebook Homepage. Open your web browsing software, type your address bar and press Enter button from your keyboard or click web bar arrow button to open Facebook home page. 2. Facebook Sign Up page. You will see the Facebook sign-up page with few boxes.

How do you create a personal Facebook account?

If you want to create the facebook account, the steps are: Go to Fill in your name, email address, password, birth date, gender. Click on sign up.

How do you open a Facebook account?

To open a Facebook account you’ll need an email address. Once you’ve gone to the Facebook home page you’ll see a section on the website that says “Sign Up.”. It will ask for your name, email address, birthday and sex. You will also need to create a password for logging in. A confirmation link will be sent from Facebook to your email address.

How do I create a Facebook account for an organization?

Type the term “Pages” into the search bar available on top of any Facebook screen and choose the “Facebook Pages” link in the search results. On the next screen, choose the “Create Page” icon in the top right corner of the screen. 2. Click on the “Company, Organization, or Institution” button, located in the top row of page category icons.