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At what size should an abdominal aortic aneurysm be repaired?

According to current international guidelines, patients with infrarenal or juxtarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) measuring > or = 5.5 cm should undergo repair to reduce the risk of rupture.

What are the chances of surviving an aortic dissection?

Prognosis for Aortic Dissection Hospital mortality rate for treated patients is about 30% for proximal dissection and 10% for distal. For treated patients who survive the acute episode, survival rate is about 60% at 5 years and 40% at 10 years.

Which type of aortic dissection requires surgery?

A dissection that involves the ascending aorta almost always requires emergency open-heart surgery to repair the vessel and prevent death. ONLY OPEN SURGERY TREATMENTS for distal dissections occurring beyond the left subclavian artery (feeds the left arm) are described here.

How long can you live with a dissected aorta?

Short-term and long-term survival rates after acute type A aortic dissection (TA-AAD) are unknown. Previous studies have reported survival rates between 52% and 94% at 1 year and between 45% and 88% at 5 years.

What should you not do with an aortic aneurysm?


  1. Push, pull, bear down or lift anything heavier than 30 pounds (or 10 pounds for patients recovering from surgery).
  2. Get a tattoo or body piercing.
  3. Smoke (or be exposed to secondhand smoke) or use any other tobacco products.
  4. Shovel snow, chop wood, dig earth or use a sledgehammer or snow blower.
  5. Take illicit drugs.

Which is worse type A or B aortic dissection?

Type A is the most common type of aortic dissection and is more likely to be acute than chronic. This makes it more dangerous than type B dissections because it is more likely to cause the aorta to rupture, leading to a potentially fatal heart condition.

How long does it take to heal from an aortic dissection?

If you have stitches or staples in your incision, the doctor will take these out 1 to 3 weeks after surgery. You will feel more tired than usual for several weeks after surgery. You may be able to do many of your usual activities after 4 to 6 weeks. But you will probably need 2 to 3 months to fully recover.

How long does it take to recover from an aortic dissection?

You may need at least 1 month to recover from your surgery. You will be in the hospital for about the first week. You will usually be in the intensive care unit (ICU) until your vital signs are stable. You will move to the regular nursing floor to continue your recovery before you go home.

What is the best treatment for aortic dissection?

He may also do blood tests and decide to do surgery, which involves removing the dissection and “rebuilding” your aorta with a plastic tube, called a graft. Treatment often involves medications. These can include beta blockers and sodium nitroprusside (Nitropress), which will help lower your blood pressure and heart rate.

How do you get aortic dissection?

An aortic dissection happens when tears appear in the inner lining of the aorta, which is the main artery leaving the heart. Blood surges into the tears, causing the aorta lining to split, or dissect. Aortic dissection is a medical emergency. The condition can quickly become fatal if the blood breaks through…

What does an aortic dissection feel like?

Aortic dissection often causes a sudden, sharp, severe pain that feels like tearing, ripping, or stabbing. The location of the pain usually depends on where the dissection occurs and how it affects nearby organs.

How serious is abdominal aortic dissection?

An aortic dissection can lead to: Death due to severe internal bleeding Organ damage, such as kidney failure or life-threatening intestinal damage Stroke Aortic valve damage (aortic regurgitation) or rupture into the lining around the heart (cardiac tamponade)