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How cold does it get in Novosibirsk?

Don’t forget to practice some winter sports! The average winter temperature is -15 ° C, and the coldest period lasts approximately 2-3 weeks in January and February, when the temperature drops to -30-35 ° C.

Does Novosibirsk have snow?

Novosibirsk experiences significant seasonal variation in monthly snowfall. The snowy period of the year lasts for 6.7 months, from October 5 to April 27, with a sliding 31-day snowfall of at least 1.0 inches.

Why is Novosibirsk so cold?

The climate in Novosibirsk is typical of Siberia, with dry winters and far-below-freezing winter temperatures. Among the reasons for these temperatures are the absence of a nearby ocean and the lack of tall mountains at the north of Novosibirsk that could have held back freezing Arctic winds.

Why is it so cold in Novosibirsk?

Winter in Novosibirsk In winter, the land is mostly covered with snow. It helps to avoid freezing of the soil. The air is very dry, the sky is clear so you can easity tolerate such cold temperatures like -30 °C ..

Why is there no snow in New York?

New York City, Long Island, and the Hudson Valley see the least amount of snowfall because they see warmer temperatures from the warmer ocean temperatures and the nor-easters there are mixed with rain, between 10–25 inches.

Is Novosibirsk poor?

In 2015, poverty level value for Novosibirsk Region was 10,117 rubles. Between 1995 and 2015, poverty level value of Novosibirsk Region grew substantially from 315 to 10,117 rubles rising at an increasing annual rate that reached a maximum of 64.31% in 1998 and then decreased to 13.10% in 2015.

What season is it in Novosibirsk?

(Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia) Therefore, it is during the summer season that most visitors choose to visit Novosibirsk, when fine weather can generally be expected at anytime between May and September.