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How do I find my National Grid User ID?

If you forgot your User Name, select ‘forgot?’ next to User Name in the login box. You will be asked for the email address that you have on your User Profile. Your User Name(s) will immediately be emailed to you.

What is my national grid password?

To reset your password, click the “Forgot your password” link on the Gas Sign In page. You will be asked to provide your User ID and email address, then enter the last 4 digits of your social security, your zip code, and a security question. Click on “Submit” and you will receive an email with your new password.

How do I add someone to my National Grid bill?

If you’d like to add your spouse, family member, roommate or friend to your account, please call our Customer Service Department at 1-800-743-5000. Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. – 9 p.m. or Saturday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Both parties need to be on the phone call to complete this transaction.

Can I transfer my national grid account to someone else?

If you’re moving you can transfer services from one location to another.

Does National Grid need your Social Security number?

National Grid advises: Never provide your Social Security number, credit card number or bank information to anyone requesting it over the phone or at your home unless you initiated the contact and feel confident that the transaction is legitimate.

Is there a National Grid app?

National Grid customers also can use the app to link directly to an online bulb store with special offers on lighting and other energy efficiency resources offered through the utility. To download the free app, visit the app store on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or Android device and search for “Light Bulb Finder”.

How do I add a name to my National Grid account?

Contact the National Grid customer support to ask for a name change of your bill. Alternatively, you can do it all online. Contacting customer support is the preferable option for most people.

Can you cancel national grid online?

If you have an account on the National Grid website, you can use it to cancel the service. What you need to do is: Go to this National Grid page. Choose the Stop Service option.

Is it normal for utilities to ask for SSN?

Like other creditors, utility companies will ask for information like your Social Security number so they can check your credit history. A good credit history can make it easier for you to get services. A poor credit history can make it harder. How you pay your utility bills can become part of your credit history.

Why does Peoples Gas need my Social Security number?

The SSN will be used to give the appropriate secure level of your account. If it does not match, or we don’t have a social security number listed in our system, you will be sent a letter through the U.S. Mail with an activation number so that you can obtain full access to all of the features.