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How do I download POI files to my Garmin?

To load POIs to your device:

  1. Connect the device to your computer.
  2. Open POI Loader.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Select Garmin Device.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click Next when your device has been detected.
  7. Select Install new custom POIs onto your device.
  8. Click Next.

Why is Garmin express not working?

Issues with Garmin Express are usually attributed to out-of-date software or poor communication with a connected device. To resolve most issues with Garmin Express: Ensure that the computer meets the minimum system requirements found at Restart the computer and try again.

What is the POI on Garmin GPS?

POI Loader is a free software for your computer that lets you upload customized Points of Interest (POIs) to your compatible device1. With the help of POI Loader, you can update your compatible Garmin GPS with the latest POIs, including restaurants, safety camera locations, and tourist destinations.

How many Garmin badge levels are there?

How Many Garmin Badges Are There? A good question, there are always new ones added… you can get a nice overview on the website There are currently 166 available for you to achieve.

What should I do if I am having problems downloading updates in Garmin Express?

Garmin Express Fails to Install or Update on a Windows Computer

  1. Refer to the Linked FAQ if Garmin Express is Experiencing One of the Following Errors.
  2. Use a Personal Computer.
  3. Restart the Computer and Try Again.
  4. Verify the Computer Meets System Requirements for Garmin Express.

How do I uninstall and reinstall Garmin Express?

  1. Press the Windows Key + R on the keyboard.
  2. Type Control Panel.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Click Uninstall a Program in the Programs section. Click Programs and Features if this option is not present.
  5. Right-click Garmin Express.
  6. Click Uninstall.
  7. Click Uninstall in the new window.

What is a Garmin GPI file?

Garmin GPI files are binary files with a fixed schema; these files can be imported into Garmin GPS devices. GPSBabel is a free tool for converting between various GPS formats. Download GPSBabel from

How do I open a GPI file?

Five Steps to Open GPI Files

  1. Step 1: Double-click the file. Locate the GPI file icon and double-click it.
  2. Step 2: Look for another program.
  3. Step 3: Check the file type.
  4. Step 4: Get help from a developer.
  5. Step 5: Find a universal file viewer.

Can a POI file be imported from a GPS?

POI Editor lets you view, edit and convert Points of Interest files from GPS devices such as TomTom, Navman, Garmin and many others. To get started click ‘Load POI File’ and import a Point of Interest file directly from your PC or GPS device.

What does poi loader do for Garmin GPS?

POI Loader is a free software for your computer that lets you upload customized Points of Interest (POIs) to your compatible device 1 . With the help of POI Loader, you can update your compatible Garmin GPS with the latest POIs, including restaurants, safety camera locations, and tourist destinations.

Is there a POI loader for Windows 10?

POI Loader for Windows allows you to load custom points of interest into your unit. The input files can be downloaded from the internet or you can create your own.

How to create a POI file from scratch?

To get started click ‘Load POI File’ and import a Point of Interest file directly from your PC or GPS device. Or, click ‘Add Point’ to create a POI file from scratch. POI Editor is free to use but please consider making a donation, thanks.