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Can a company be a trustee of a trust?

The ‘trustee’ is the person who distributes the trust’s assets to the beneficiaries. A trustee can be either a real person, known as an ‘individual trustee’, or a company, known as a ‘corporate trustee’. when each might be appropriate for your trust..

Can companies be trustees?

ALL ABOUT TRUSTS: Despite its lack of legal personality, a trust has legal capacity and the trustees, on behalf of the trust, may perform juristic acts relating to trust assets, such as managing investments in companies, as long as the trust deed allows for that. …

Can a trading company be a trustee of a SMSF?

Whilst it’s possible for a company to act in multiple capacities, we generally take the approach that an SMSF trustee company should be a “special purpose company” acting exclusively as the trustee of an SMSF.

What’s a corporate trustee?

Typically, a corporate trustee is a shell company with only an ACN, no filing obligations and no assets. A corporate trustee must have a shareholder or shareholders and appoint directors to manage the trust and the distribution of assets to beneficiaries.

What is a company trustee?

A trustee company is a legal entity that manages and invests funds on behalf of a beneficiary for their benefit. This is readily demonstrable by the fact that most trustee companies now provide a mix of personal investment services, fund management services, corporate trustee services and superannuation.

What does it mean to be a trustee of a company?

A trustee is a person or firm that holds and administers property or assets for the benefit of a third party. Trustees are trusted to make decisions in the beneficiary’s best interests and often have a fiduciary responsibility, meaning they act in the best interests of the trust beneficiaries to manage their assets.

Is a corporate trustee a special purpose company?

A corporate trustee of an SMSF can be an ordinary company or a ‘special purpose company’. the sole purpose of the company is to act as the trustee of a regulated superannuation fund within the meaning of section 19 of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth).

Who can be a director of a SMSF trustee company?

All members of a self-managed super fund (SMSF) must be individual trustees or directors of the fund’s corporate trustee. Anyone 18 years old or over can be a trustee or director of a super fund as long as they’re not under a legal disability (such as mental incapacity) or a disqualified person.

Is a corporate trustee a company?

Typically, a corporate trustee is a shell company with only an ACN, no filing obligations and no assets. A corporate trustee must have a shareholder or shareholders and appoint directors to manage the trust and the distribution of assets to beneficiaries. Trustees are personally liable for the trust’s liabilities.

Which is the best company to use as a SMSF trustee?

It is always best to use a company specially created to be your SMSF trustee only. You should avoid using an existing company such as your own business or the trustee of your family trust.

Which is better a self managed super fund or a corporate trustee?

There are many reasons why using a corporate trustee is better for your Self Managed Super Fund than individual trustees. The cost of registering a company far outweighs the savings which might be made, the convenience which would be achieved and the personal liability protection which results by using a corporate trustee for an SMSF.

What happens when two trustees of an SMSF die?

When two individuals are acting as trustees for an SMSF and one of them dies one of the following must occur: convert the SMSF’s investments to cash and roll the surviving member’s benefits into an industry or public offer fund, or wind up the SMSF and pay out the benefits to the surviving member.

How much does it cost to transfer an SMSF?

Our first year introductory offer for new SMSF or transferred SMSF are $899 + GST regardless of asset types. Subsequent years are dependent on the number of assets and asset types you have – please use our calculator to estimate your fee. You will find that our fees are very reasonable to the quality provided within the SMSF market.