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What was brinkmanship quizlet?

” the act of pushing a situation to the verge of war, in order to threaten and encourage one’s opponent to back down.

What best describes the policy of brinkmanship?

Brinkmanship, foreign policy practice in which one or both parties force the interaction between them to the threshold of confrontation in order to gain an advantageous negotiation position over the other. The technique is characterized by aggressive risk-taking policy choices that court potential disaster.

What is an example of brinkmanship?

A prime example of brinkmanship during the Cold War was the Cuban Missile Crisis (15.10. 1962 – 28.10. 1962), a 13-day conflict between the United States, the Soviet Union, and Cuba. That was arguably an act of brinkmanship by the Soviets to intimidate the US with weapons within the region.

What is brinkmanship as applied to the Cold War?

During the Cold War, Dulles orchestrated a strategy known as “brinkmanship.” Brinkmanship is the practice of forcing a confrontation in order to achieve a desired out-come; in the Cold War, brinkmanship meant using nuclear weapons as a deterrent to communist expansion around the world.

What is brinkmanship in simple terms?

: the art or practice of pushing a dangerous situation or confrontation to the limit of safety especially to force a desired outcome.

What is brinkmanship as applied to the Cold War quizlet?

bluffing an enemy into thinking it would be attacked. Why the United States suffer a loss of confidence following the launch of Sputnik I? It reminded people that a nuclear war would be devastating for everyone.

What is nuclear brinkmanship?

Brinkmanship is a foreign policy used in the Cold War which is where a country would push a dangerous issue or event to the edge looking for the best outcome for there side. This nearly brought the Soviet Union and the United States to a nuclear war. …

What is brinkmanship simple?

What was glasnost in the Cold War?

Glasnost was taken to mean increased openness and transparency in government institutions and activities in the Soviet Union (USSR). Glasnost reflected a commitment of the Gorbachev administration to allowing Soviet citizens to discuss publicly the problems of their system and potential solutions.

What is brinkmanship as applied to the Cold war quizlet?

What is the best definition of the term hawks quizlet?

hawks and doves definition. Popularly, “hawks” are those who advocate an aggressive foreign policy based on strong military power. Popularly, “hawks” are those who advocate an aggressive foreign policy based on strong military power.