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What can you tell about hair under a microscope?

Human hair under a microscope resembles animal fur. It looks like a tube filled with keratin (pigment) and covered with small scales outside. If these scales are growing tightly, hair looks smooth and shiny. Dull and unruly hair looks different under a microscope – the scales are disheveled and tumbled.

What are the hairs on plants called?

Plant hairs (botanically called trichomes) may be present on stems or leaves. They are prolonged epidermal cells; on a stem or leaf it may be living or dead, deciduous or persistent; on a root it is short-lived and confined to the absorbing zone, called a “root hair”.

How do you know if your hair is healthy under a microscope?

Observe and see if there are differences between different types of hair. Under a stereo microscope, you should be able to see the shape of the hair (straight or twisted, etc) as well as the color of the hair strand. At higher magnification, you can also see the appearance of texture on the hair surface.

Why do plants have hairs?

Plants use hair for some of the same reasons animals do: to keep them warm, cool, or protected. Plants also use hair to collect food or distribute seeds. Insect-eating pitcher plants even have down-turned hairs to keep insects from escaping.

How do forensic techs analyze hair?

Forensic analysts use an instrument called a comparison microscope to view a known hair sample and an unknown sample alongside one another to see if they share similar characteristics and could have come from the same source.

What are glandular hairs?

Glandular hairs are spread over the aerial vegetative and reproductive organs of the Lamiaceae. They produce essential oils which apparently protect against herbivores and pathogens.

What are leaf hairs?

Summary. Leaf hairs of A. The hair layer increased leaf diffusion resistance to water loss, leading to a reduction in transpiration (E) and higher instantaneous water use efficiency of leaves with an intact hair layer at all light intensities measured.

What microscope is used to see hair follicles?

Electron microscopy
Electron microscopy is useful for examining the morphological characteristics of developing hair follicles, including special types of keratinization, the timing of keratinization, programmed cell death, cell adhesion and separation, cell movement and changes in organelles.

What are plant hairs made of?

Trichome and root hair development. Both trichomes and root hairs, the rhizoids of many vascular plants, are lateral outgrowths of a single cell of the epidermal layer. Root hairs form from trichoblasts, the hair-forming cells on the epidermis of a plant root.

Why are some plant leaves hairy?

Hairy leaves are more common in desert plants than in plants of very moist habitats. Hairs reduce the rate of transpiration by creating a thicker boundary layer – a layer of unstirred air over a leaf where diffusion slows the rate of gas exchange – over the leaf.

What does hair look like under a microscope?

Medulla Medulla is the central core of hair which may or may not be present. It may be air-filled and, if so, will appear as a black or opaque structure under the transmitted light of the microscope. If the medulla is present, its structure may be continuous or fragmented.

How to identify root hair cells under light microscope?

Identify root hair cells as seen under the light microscope and photomicrograph. It is the same protein that makes horn fingernails claws skin epithelium and dander. Under a high power compound light microscope the root seems to be made up of numerous cells that are regularly arranged and in different shapes and sizes.

What do you see on a leaf under the microscope?

Leaf Structure Observations. When viewing the surface of the leaf under the stereo microscope, students will be able to clearly see hair-like structures (trichome) on the leaf surface that serve a number of functions ranging from trapping insects to trapping water/moisture.

What kind of microscope do you use to examine roots of plants?

The following microscope lesson and activity can be done by elementary and high school students or children. We will be examining the roots of a plant with the use of a high power compound light microscope.