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Is block scheduling better?

While it’s hard to say one way is better than another, some studies have found that block scheduling is ineffective. Some research has shown that students in the block schedule format have scored lower in science, biology, physics, and chemistry.

Does block mean period?

LAST UPDATED: 08.29.13. A block schedule is a system for scheduling the middle- or high-school day, typically by replacing a more traditional schedule of six or seven 40–50 minute daily periods with longer class periods that meet fewer times each day and week.

What is a drop schedule?

Each day, one or two classes are dropped from the schedule. The next day they are added back and new classes are dropped. For example, on the eight-period Cascading Two Drop schedule, each daily bell schedule repeats every eight school days. “Two Drop” means that any given class meets on only six of those eight days.

Does block scheduling improve test scores?

Two research studies found that block scheduling had positive effects on standardized test scores. In comparing the block schedule group to the traditional schedule group, the authors found that the average combined SAT score increased by 14% and that 6% more students passed Page 7 6 the HSPT exam.

Why are block schedules better?

With block scheduling, students and teachers are able to focus on fewer subjects, and to explore them in greater depth. Both teachers and students assert that this exploration allows them to become engrossed in the subject matter rather than moving rapidly through material.

Why is block scheduling more expensive?

Block scheduling, in which students take fewer classes per day for longer periods of time, is more expensive because teachers teach fewer students and fewer hours than in a traditional schedule. Students could be studying four subjects each semester or taking all eight courses throughout the year on alternating days.

What does block scheduling mean in nursing?

“Block scheduling is a tool that allows physicians to have a guaranteed day and time when they know they will have an OR to use and a team of staff to work with on a continued basis,” adds Rachel Le Mahieu, RN, MSN, CNOR, RNFA, the director of surgical services at Spring Valley Hospital in Las Vegas, Nevada.

What are the types of block scheduling?


  • A 4×4 Block Schedule. The traditional four block schedule is used in many high schools.
  • A/B Block Schedule. Another option is to schedule two different lengths of time for your flex block.
  • A Multiple Period Flex Block.
  • A Rotating Block Schedule.
  • A Rotating Drop Schedule.

What is work block scheduling?

A block schedule simply means that you create several smaller to-do lists each day instead of one really long one… and then you tackle each of those smaller to-do lists during different “blocks” of time throughout the day.

Are block schedules beneficial to students?

How does block scheduling work in Middle School?

Block scheduling is a way of designing classroom schedules for students. It means that students will have fewer classes per day, but the subjects will be on a rotation. Block rotation is typically practiced more so in middle and high schools than in elementary school.

Which is better block schedule or a / B block schedule?

Performance: The 4×4 (traditional block schedule) has proven to have better performance results for students when compared to the A/B block schedule. Retention: The traditional block schedule can cause an issue for students in AP classes who have to take AP tests at the end of the year.

Why are schools less likely to change their schedules?

Evidence in the United States suggests that before the adoption of the new schedule, 4/4 schools had lower average test scores and served a lower SES population than the comparison schools that remained on the single-period schedule. Schools satisfied with students’ academic performance have been less likely to change their schedules.

How many discipline referrals are reduced by block scheduling?

In nearly all of the more than 100 case studies, dissertations and reports completed on block scheduling, the number of discipline referrals to the office is reduced, typically between 25 and 50 percent.