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Is CleanMyMac a one time purchase?

You can buy any number of CleanMyMac X licenses (both one-time purchase and subscription) for 1 device (a single license), 2 devices (a double license), and 5 devices (a “family” pack). All these options are available at our store. If you need another purchase option, please contact Support.

Can you transfer CleanMyMac license?

Your CleanMyMac activation number can only be used on one computer unless you bought a license for multiple Macs. So, if you want to transfer your CleanMyMac license to another computer, you should cancel the current activation first.

How many computers can you use CleanMyMac?

one computer
Both a regular CleanMyMac license and a yearly subscription can be used on one computer only. So if you want to run the app on another Mac, you have to either buy one more license at a discount or reset your existing CleanMyMac activation.

How much does CleanMyMac cost?

CleanMyMac X costs $90, or $45 for existing users. You can also choose to subscribe to the app for $40 per year. MacPaw is also the company behind subscription service Setapp, and CleanMyMac X will be part of your Setapp subscription. Overall, this update brings a couple of nice additions and is a nice evolution.

Can you use a CleanMyMac license on another MAC?

Both a regular CleanMyMac license and a yearly subscription can be used on one computer only (unless you have a multi-user license). So if you want to run it on another Mac, you have to either buy one more license at a discount or reset your existing CleanMyMac license.

How long is the CleanMyMac X license valid for?

CleanMyMac X is notarized by Apple as a malware-free application. It deletes only those files that are 100% safe for removal. How long is the license valid for? You can buy either a one-year subscription or a one-time purchase.

Where can I get a lifetime sportsman’s license in Tennessee?

The Lifetime Sportsman License cannot be purchased at general license agents. Applications for this license may be obtained by calling the TWRA Nashville Office (615-781-6500), any of the four regional offices, or you can learn more about Tennessee’s Lifetime Sportsman’s License by clicking here. Tennessee Wildlife – It’s What We Do

Is there a free version of CleanMyMac X?

Yes, but there is a free version to test out all the features. And there is a 30-day money-back guarantee. Is CleanMyMac X safe to use? CleanMyMac X is notarized by Apple as a malware-free application. It deletes only those files that are 100% safe for removal.