
If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book

Media is considered one among the four pillars of democracy; after equity, freedom and justice (Haberfeld, Lieberman & Horning, 2014). Nevertheless, the big question that stands to be asked is that is their any worthy of their consideration? The selection of the news to be covered is the duty of the news editor; thus they often make decisions on the kind of news to present to the public and which not to depending on the integrity of the news. Various factors are worthy considering when it comes to the type of news that ought to be represented or not to be represented to the public. Thus, in this perspective, the readers or the readers who receive the news remains helplessness since whatever they get is dictated by the news editors.


Media houses in the modern society are mostly run by big companies with huge number of employees. From the angle of what they use to run their media businesses, it is not questionable that big deals of budget is allocated to them; thus they have the mandate of returning these funds in agreed upon time or as early as possible. In this case the news editors are challenged to choose of the news that will trade faster and make big profits (Hamilton, 2011). They remain obsessed with the local or popular news.

From time to time media has been used as a tool of manipulating people from the fact that they try to build supremacy. Nevertheless, negative news tend to affect the optimism and happiness of people; meaning that the views of negative news tend have their optimistic level faded, desperate, afraid and tense. From this perspective, it should remain professional for news editors to publish news without manipulation; though it always remains crucial for people to have the knowledge of what is happening around (Islam, 2008). The audience have no one to think for them and so remains there responsibility in justifying the news and making decisions on which news to perceive.