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What is the code for the Golden Freddy Jumpscare?

Entering a Code 1/9/8/7. Beat Night 6. You have now unlocked the Custom Night, go into the menu. Enter 1/9/8/7 into the AI settings.

Is Golden Freddy possessed by a girl?

Golden Freddy is a major character in The Silver Eyes. Unlike the games, He is possessed by a boy named Michael Brooks. In The Silver Eyes, he is also implied to be the mascot suit used to lure the children to the back room.

What is golden Freddy saying?

It usually is a poster of normal Freddy with a microphone saying “Celebrate!” Keep hanging from that camera to another one until that poster changes to a close up of Golden Freddy’s face. Close your laptop before you switch to another camera, and Golden Freddy will appear in your office.

Are there two souls in Golden Freddy?

Golden Freddy Is Possessed By Two Souls.

What’s the name of Golden Freddy in FNaF 2?

Withered Golden Freddy is never officially referred to as ‘Withered’, and in any official references is just named Golden Freddy. The only two instances of his name are in the Custom Night screen for the second game, as well as Ultimate Custom Night. Both instances leave his name as just Golden Freddy. Gallery FNaF 2

How does Golden Freddy move in five nights at Freddys?

Golden Freddy’s footsteps are quieter, making it harder to tell when he moves. He will also move slower, alongside haywiring more frequently. He’ll charge more commonly, closer to the player, giving a short timeframe to shock him.

What’s the name of the Bear in five nights at Freddy’s 2?

Its real name, according to the game files, is Yellow Bear. On the Custom Night screen for Five Nights at Freddy’s 2, however, his name is shown to be Golden Freddy.

Is there a Golden Freddy in Ultimate Custom Night?

While Golden Freddy’s withered counterpart is a customizable antagonist in Ultimate Custom Night, the final cutscene will reveal Golden Freddy in his original form from the first game, twitching constantly within pitch blackness. Golden Freddy returns again within the AR game.