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Can you have 2 linked Facebook accounts?

Since it goes against our Community Standards to maintain more than one personal account, we don’t have a way to merge multiple accounts. However, you can manually switch to one account and keep the information that’s important to you.

Can I have two Facebook accounts with different emails?

Although you technically cannot create two separate Facebook accounts from one email address, you can use Facebook as two or more separate entities from the same Facebook account. Facebook allows you to create Pages for business, which can be managed from your personal profile account.

Can you merge two Facebook pages with different names?

According to Facebook ‘you can merge duplicate Pages that you manage. This option is only available for Pages that represent the same thing and have similar names. This is forbidden by Facebook.

Can you have two Facebook accounts with one phone number?

1 Answer. Yes, you can use the same phone number or address in your contact information. However, you can’t verify multiple accounts with the same number.

How does Facebook know you have two accounts?

How to Change Fingerprint? During the registration and later on when you actively use these accounts, Facebook still can detect multiple personal accounts by using digital fingerprints. These are registered every time you’re active online and can expose your web browser’s identity.

How do you duplicate a Facebook page?

Go to your Page and click “Edit Page”, then click the “Resources” tab, and then select “Merge duplicate pages”. You’ll then see a list of any duplicate Pages that are eligible to be rolled into your Page.

How many times can you merge a Facebook page?

Only 2 pages will be merged at a time. So if you are merging more than this, you will have to do multiple merge requests. Your pages need to have ‘similar’ page names and are relevant to each other. Content from the ‘merged’ page including posts and photos will be deleted.

How do I know if I have a duplicate Facebook account?

Commendable. Search for your name in facebook search box, if you have a duplicate account it will be reflected there.

How to merge two duplicate Facebook business pages?

Steps to Merging Two Facebook Pages: Visit the Facebook Request to Merge Duplicate Pages page: Select the two pages you want to merge from the drop-down menus and click the Continue button.

Can you delete two Facebook accounts at once?

Facebook identifies your account through your email address. Deleting one account won’t delete the other. I have two personal Facebook accounts under my name. To make a long story short, while I was on vacation two years ago, I could not access my original Facebook account, so I created a second one using an alternate email address.

What causes an unclaimed business page on Facebook?

If you have a new business or if your business has been established for some time, it’s possible that you have an unclaimed Facebook Business page. This happens when people show interest or check into your establishment before you’ve set up your official Facebook business page or possibly searched for your business under a misspelling.

What makes a Facebook account unique in the world?

What uniquely identifies a Facebook account is the email address. Each account has one and only one email address that’s used as the login identifier (think “user name”) for that account. While there aren’t many Leo Notenbooms out there, there are plenty of John Smiths in the world.