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How many males attend Harvard?

Student Population by Gender

Total Undergraduate
Total 30,391 8,527
Men 14,509 4,152
Women 15,882 4,375

What percentage of Ivy League students are female?

At Harvard University, 51.4 percent of the freshman class in Fall 2021 (the Class of 2025) was female, compared to 46.1 percent of male students and 1.8 percent of students who identified as non-binary.

Does Harvard have an age limit?

Essentially, you are treating Harvard University like it’s a community college. There used to be no age requirement. Recently, Harvard has instituted a rule that you must have graduated from high school at least five years before you start a B.A. program this way.

How many female students are in Harvard?

Student Gender Distribution

Total Women
Undergraduate 8,527 4,375
Graduate 21,864 11,507
Full-time 19,030 9,830
Part-time 11,361 6,052

Which Ivy has the largest student body?

Among the colleges in Ivy League, Cornell University has the most enrolled undergraduate students of 14,743, while Dartmouth College has the least number of undergraduate students of 4,170.

What is the most racially diverse ivy?

Cornell University is one of two Ivy League schools to rank among the most diverse colleges in the country, along with Columbia University.

Does Harvard accept 16 year olds?

Harvard Extension School welcomes academically talented students ages 15 and above to register for noncredit or undergraduate credit. Students must be 15 years of age at time of registration.

How is the gender ratio at Harvard University?

Harvard ranks 181 out of 3,790 when it comes to gender parity on campus. This school is more popular with women than with men. There are approximately 15,988 female students and 15,667 male students at Harvard. Reporting of the gender of Harvard is unknown or unavailable. Faculty Gender Ratio 92.93 out of 100.

How is diversity of student body at Harvard University?

At Harvard University, the disparity between men and women on campus is far lower than the national average. The undergraduate student body at Harvard is equally balanced. This university is ranked at #271 in male to female diversity nationwide. The undergraduate population is comprised of 5,101 males and 4,864 females.

How old are the students at Harvard University?

The traditional student is between the ages of 18-21. However, this university appears to attract a majority of older students. At Harvard University, 21.0% of students are in the age 18 to 21 bracket, compared to the national average of 60%. We rank Harvard #795 in the nation for student age diversity.

What is the sex ratio of UK universities?

Here is the full list of universities, with their sex ratio listed beside them. The ratio is expressed in male:female terms (i.e. The Royal Veterinary College has 21% male, 79% female students). Royal Veterinary College 21:79. Queen Margaret UC (Edinburgh) 22:78. UC Chichester 30:70. Anglia Polytechnic University 31:69.