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What are NAT type in Juniper SRX?

The Juniper SRX offers 3 main types of NAT. These are source, destination and static.

Which type of NAT is performed by the SRX Series device?

SRX Series devices perform both policy lookup and service lookup based on the translated destination port. You can use the NAT Wizard to perform basic NAT configuration. To perform more advanced configuration, use the J-Web interface or the CLI.

How do I set Juniper SRX to destination NAT?

Step-by-Step Procedure

  1. Create the destination NAT pool.
  2. Create a destination NAT rule set.
  3. Configure a rule that matches packets and translates the destination address to the address in the pool.
  4. Configure proxy ARP.
  5. Configure an address in the global address book.

How do I check the NAT on my Juniper router?

Monitoring Interface NAT Port Information

  1. If you are using SRX5400, SRX5600, or SRX5800 platforms, select Monitor>Firewall/NAT>Interface NAT in the J-Web user interface or enter the CLI command show security nat interface-nat-ports .
  2. Select Monitor>NAT>Interface NAT Ports in the J-Web user interface.

How do I view NAT table?

To see NAT rules type any one of the following command.

  1. Syntax. The syntax is as follows for iptables command as root user to display IPv4 rules:
  2. Say hello netstat-nat. The netstat-nat command display the natted connections on a Linux iptable firewall:
  3. Summing up.

How do I configure port forwarding on a Juniper SRX firewall?

To configure port forwarding for the Juniper SRX firewall:

  1. Configure the real addresses of the servers using address-book entries.
  2. Define the pre-translated ports.
  3. Define each server and port.
  4. Configure the NAT policy (specify the NAT pool to which traffic should be translated).

How do you create a policy in Juniper SRX?

Security Policies Configuration Overview

  1. Create zones.
  2. Configure an address book with addresses for the policy.
  3. Create an application (or application set) that indicates that the policy applies to traffic of that type.
  4. Create the policy.
  5. Create schedulers if you plan to use them for your policies.

What is the difference between source NAT and destination NAT?

Destination NAT translates the destination addresses and ports of packets. Source NAT translates private IP addresses into public IP addresses so that users on an intranet can use public IP addresses to access the Internet.

Does NAT change destination address?

2 Answers. Normally NAT only changes the destination IP-address on incoming packets and the source IP-address on outgoing packets. This applies for port-forwarding too – which is the name for routing incoming requests via a NAT router to a specific host.

What kind of Nat do I need for Juniper SRX?

Configuring NAT in Juniper SRX Platforms Using JunOS. There are 3 kinds of NAT for the JunOS SRX devices. Source NAT, destination NAT, and static NAT. We will also cover Proxy ARP. This post will only cover the basic and most common concepts and usage of NAT in SRX. But with this knowledge you should be able to do NAT for almost any occasion.

How does destination IP change in Juniper SRX?

As the traffic comes into the SRX the destination IP will have to be changed from the public IP to the real IP or private IP. In the example above any traffic coming into the SRX on the UNTRUST zone that is destined for will be destination translated to go to

What kind of Nat is used in Junos?

There are 3 kinds of NAT for the JunOS SRX devices. Source NAT, destination NAT, and static NAT. We will also cover Proxy ARP. This post will only cover the basic and most common concepts and usage of NAT in SRX.

Why does SRX need to know the destination of a policy?

In order for the SRX to process the policies, it first needs to know what zone the packet is trying to get to. That is why the destination of a static NAT and destination NAT takes place first. After the policy is evaluated then the source of the static NAT or source NAT gets translated.