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What is character set 437?

Code page 437 (CCSID 437) is the character set of the original IBM PC (personal computer). The set includes all printable ASCII characters, extended codes for accented letters (diacritics), some Greek letters, icons, and line-drawing symbols.

What code page is ASCII?

The usual OEM code page for English is code page 437. For both Windows code pages and OEM code pages, the code values 0x00 through 0x7F correspond to the 7-bit ASCII character set.

What is the code page for Unicode?

Unicode standardizes three encoding forms and seven encoding schemes: A code page is a coded character set, in which each character is assigned a unique code within the Unicode code space. Code pages usually cover only a small subset of the Unicode characters.

What is OEM character set?

The OEM or DOS/OEM character set contains line draw and other symbols commonly used by earlier DOS programs to create charts and simple graphics. Also known as the PC-8 symbol set as well as Code Page 437, the OEM character set is built into every graphics card.

How do I identify a code page?


  1. Open the received file in Notepad, look at a garbled piece of text.
  2. I’ve created a small app that the user can use to open the file with, and enter a text that user knows it will appear in the file, when the correct codepage is used.

How many characters are in the ASCII code page 437?

Code page 437 (IBM PC) American Standard Code for Information Interchange ( ASCII) is a widely used character encoding system introduced in 1963. The original character set, which is now referred as the standard character set was initially composed of 128 characters (7-bit code). The first 32 characters are control characters…

Is the ASCII code 128 to 255 printable?

The extended ASCII code, which is from 128 to 255, may not be printable/visible unless you set to a right code-page. The code page sometimes is referred to character encoding. It consists of a table of values that describes the character set for a particular language.

How many characters are in an ASCII charset?

The original character set, which is now referred as the standard character set was initially composed of 128 characters (7-bit code). The first 32 characters are control characters (also called non-printable characters), which are used to control data streams as well as devices such as printers.

What is the ASCII code for printing double lines?

ASCII code 201 = ╔ ( Box drawing character double line upper left corner ) ASCII code 202 = ╩ ( Box drawing character double line horizontal and up ) ASCII code 203 = ╦ ( Box drawing character double line horizontal down ) ASCII code 204 = ╠ ( Box drawing character double line vertical and right )