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What is the plural of automobile in Italian?

penna (f.) dottore (m.) automobile (f.) As you can see, nouns ending in -o in the singular (generally masculine), end in -i in the plural, and nouns ending in -a in the singular (generally feminine), end in -e in the plural….Plurals (i plurali)

singular plural
lago laghi

How do you make words plural in Italian?

In Italian, nouns are pluralized by a change in the last vowel. In short: Nouns ending with -a are pluralized with -e if feminine (most common) or with -i if masculine. Nouns ending with -e or -o are pluralized with -i.

How do you use Signora in a sentence?

How to use signora in a sentence

  1. One day I observed to her with a smile, “Do you know, signora, I find a resemblance between you and one who was very dear to me.”
  2. After the overture Signora Palazzesi sang “with a bell-like, magnificent voice, and great bravura.”

What is the plural form of Moto?

moto (plural motos)

What is the Italian word for a female?

Italian Word of the Day: Donna (woman)

How do you pluralize a noun?

The correct spelling of plurals usually depends on what letter the singular noun ends in.

  1. To make regular nouns plural, add ‑s to the end.
  2. If the singular noun ends in ‑s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, or -z, add ‑es to the end to make it plural.

What is the plural of Ristorante in Italian?

Ristorante (plural: ristoranti) is the Italian word for restaurant and as you can see, the spelling is very similar to the English word.

Is Signora masculine or feminine?


number feminine masculine
plural signore signori
singular signora

Is Moto singular or plural?

The plural form of moto is motos.