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What is strict scrutiny analysis?

Under a strict scrutiny analysis, a law that restricts freedom of speech must achieve a compelling government interest and be narrowly tailored to that interest or be the least speech-restrictive means available to the government. Strict scrutiny also is used when a law targets a specific religious faith.

What are the main components of the strict scrutiny test?

This strict scrutiny standard test includes three parts: a compelling governmental interest, narrowly tailored to achieve the goal, and the least restrictive way to achieve the goal. Failure to fulfill any part of the test will result in the law being declared unconstitutional.

What is the definition of strict scrutiny quizlet?

strict scrutiny. a Supreme Court test to see if a law denies equal protection because it does not serve a compelling state interest and is not narrowly tailored to achieve that goal.

What is strict scrutiny and rational basis test?

The strict scrutiny standard is one of three employed by the courts in reviewing laws and government policies. The rational basis test is the lowest form of judicial scrutiny. It is used in cases where a plaintiff alleges that the legislature has made an ARBITRARY or irrational decision.

What is strict scrutiny AP Gov?

Where does the strict scrutiny test come from?

The notion of “levels of judicial scrutiny”, including strict scrutiny, was introduced in Footnote 4 of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in United States v. Carolene Products Co. (1938), one of a series of decisions testing the constitutionality of New Deal legislation.

What is the difference between strict and intermediate scrutiny?

As the name implies, intermediate scrutiny is less rigorous than strict scrutiny, but more rigorous than the rational basis test. Intermediate scrutiny is used in equal protection challenges to gender classifications, as well as in some First Amendment cases.

What is strict scrutiny AP Gov definition?

What is the difference between intermediate scrutiny and strict scrutiny?

Why did the Supreme Court use strict scrutiny to the answer the Brown legal question?

The court applied a strict scrutiny test in deciding the Brown case. This is the most stringent test that the court uses to interpret law, and allowed them to achieve the ruling that segregation was unconstitutional.