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How do you wear prosthetic socks?

Socks should be pulled on gently to eliminate any wrinkles. not cross over your shin bone. This will prevent rubbing and possible skin breakdown. After wearing your prosthesis for a period of time, it is normal for your residual limb to change in size.

Do you wear socks with a prosthetic leg?

While not required, a sock is highly recommended. True, a prosthetic foot will never get a blister and does not sweat. First, a sock will help your shoe slide on easier because it will reduce the friction of the rubber foot shell. A sock also helps reduce squeaking between your shoe and the foot.

How do you measure for prosthetic socks?

Prosthetic Sock Sizes First, measure the limb circumference at the top of the socket; second, measure the toe limb circumference two (2) inches from the distal end; third, measure from the distal end to the top of the socket .

Why do people with prosthetic legs wear socks?

Socks will protect the skin, absorb and/or wick perspiration from the residual limb, absorb friction, cushion impact, compensate for shrinkage or swelling of the residual limb, and provide a way to adjust the fit of the socket. A prosthetic sock thickness or weight has been represented by the term “ply”.

What is the purpose of a prosthetic sock?

Prosthetic socks should protect the skin against the destructive forces of pressure and friction in the skin-socket interface, while also absorbing perspiration with a wick-like action and allowing for ventilation. Wool is an excellent fiber for prosthetic socks due to its resiliency, absorbency and conformability.

Do amputees wear socks?

Many amputees wear prosthetic socks over the residual limb inside the socket of the prosthesis. Prosthetic socks are available in a variety of materials and thickness.

How do you measure below knee prosthesis?

For BK amputees, it’s best to measure from the bottom of your limb up to 2-3 inches past the middle of your kneecap. While sock length is a matter of preference, comfort dictates that you ensure that the sock doesn’t end right at or below your prosthetic sock trimlines.

How do you measure a prosthetic leg?

Measure from bottom edge of prosthetic knee to top edge of foot shell. With patient putting all weight into heel, mea- sure from rear edge of prosthetic knee to top rear edge of foot shell.

Can I shower with my prosthetic leg?

Showering with a prosthesis is a possibility, although most people do not choose to do this because it’s necessary to clean the residual limb anyway. Equipping the shower with grab bars and a shower chair is important to reduce the chance of falls.

Can a prosthetic sock be worn below the knee?

The VALOR ® Below Knee Prosthetic Sock for Amputees is specifically designed to fit limbs with amputations below the knee. Worn against the skin, underneath liners, for improved comfort and performance. The VALOR ® Below Knee sock is the ultimate moisture management solution with a Linked Seam that creates a smooth distal end for maximum comfort.

Can a prosthetist measure the size of a sock?

Prosthetic Sock Sizes Nearly 90% of the amputees who use socks can be correctly fitted with a stock size sock because the knitted construction has a stretch which allows a fitting range . Most prosthetists can judge the needed size by working with the limb and the cast . Nevertheless, some measurement guidelines can be helpful .

Why are prosthetic socks made out of wool?

Prosthetic socks should protect the skin against the destructive forces of pressure and friction in the skin-socket interface, while also absorbing perspiration with a wick-like action and allowing for ventilation. Wool is an excellent fiber for prosthetic socks due to its resiliency, absorbency and conformability.

Can a lower leg amputee wear a sock?

A revolutionary sock for lower leg amputees, VALOR is designed to be worn under liners, wicking-moisture and gently hugging muscles to provide support and maximum dryness for all day comfort and blister prevention. You don’t let anything stand in your way, now VALOR has your back. Why Swiftwick?