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Does KeePass have 2FA?

We understand that KeePass is a locally stored database and not web based and therefore doesn’t need 2FA as such.

How can I use two factor authentication without a phone?

Android users can set up 2-step verification using the free Google Authenticator app for Android without needing an active phone number. (Any wireless Internet connection will do.) On iPhone and other devices, initial set up does require you to have a phone number.

What is the composite key in KeePass?

To open a database, all key sources (password, key file.) are required. Together, these key sources form the Composite Master Key. KeePass does not support keys being used alternatively, i.e. it’s not possible that you can open your database using a password or a key file.

Does KeePass work with YubiKey?

KeePass is a free, open source password manager that supports strong, hardware-backed YubiKey two-factor authentication, enabling users to easily and efficiently protect their accounts from takeovers.

Can someone else use your YubiKey?

Can I use one YubiKey with multiple devices? Yes! Just plug your YubiKey into any computer and log in the way you normally would. That’s really it—you’ll be able to log in to all of your accounts, same as before.

Do you need a smartphone for 2 factor authentication?

You just verified your login with 2FA – no smartphone required. Note that the code changes constantly, so don’t dawdle when you copy/paste it into your web site. Codes are time-sensitive for increased security.

What platforms are supported by KeePass?

It officially supports macOS and Linux operating systems through the use of Mono. Additionally, there are several unofficial ports for Windows Phone, Android, iOS, and BlackBerry devices. KeePass stores usernames, passwords, and other fields, including free-form notes and file attachments, in an encrypted file.

Is KeePass better than 1Password?

If you’re looking for a feature-rich password manager with a well-designed user interface, then 1Password is the best choice. For users with the technical expertise necessary to use an open-source password manager, KeePass is the most budget-friendly option.

Is there a way to create a two factor password for KeePass?

There are also plugins to generate Time based one-time passwords (TOTPs). If you are trying to setup KeePass to open with two factor authentication; KeePass natively supports a two factor Master Key that is a combination of a master password and key file.

What do you need to set up KeePass?

Choose a place to save your encrypted key file (which can only be “unlocked” using your password and certificate). Select a certificate to use to protect your key file. You’ve now set up a KeePass database that can only be opened if you provide a correct password and also a digital certificate.

How to create composite master key for KeePass?

Configure KeePass Security Launch KeePass to get started. Create a new database (File->New) and tell KeePass where to place this new database. You should now see the Create Composite Master Key page. Here you should specify a Master Password and change the Key file / provider to Certificate-protected key.

Where can I find the KeePass plugin framework?

Information about the plugin framework (installing plugins, security.) can be found on the help pages ‘ KeePass 1.x Plugins ‘ and ‘ KeePass 2.x Plugins ‘. Creates backups of databases. Creates backups of databases.