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What font does Aurebesh use?

Astro SE is the companion font to Aurebesh.

How do I get Aurebesh system font?

Go into settings and search up “Font” and find the font selector in your version. Then, scroll down on the list of fonts until you find one titled Aurebesh. Yay!

Can you type in Aurebesh?

You can write in Aurebesh without using digraphs and it would still be correct. The font that is used on this website automatically creates digraphs.

How do you translate Aurebesh?

You can type any word in any supported language into the text box in Google Translate and instantly see it depicted in Aurebesh. You can also hit the Swap Languages button and see keys on your keyboard shown in Aurebesh. Whatever you type can then be translated into English or any other language.

What is the Star Wars alphabet?

The Aurebesh alphabet appears in the film Return of the Jedi and in a number of Star Wars-related publications. It is used in the film to write the language of the Galatic Empire, known as Galactic Basic.

Can I learn to speak Jawa?

Jawa Trade language, much unlike the rough barking of the Tusken Raiders, could be more easily learned by Humans. The language was spoken very quickly and had been described as jabbering.

How did the Aurebesh writing system get its name?

Aurebesh is the Galactic version of the alphabet. Like the alphabet, an acronym of the Greek letters Alpha and Beta, the Aurebesh is named after its first two letters: Aurek and Besh. Aurebesh was a writing system used to transcribe Galactic Basic, one of the most used languages in the galaxy.

What is the rating of Aurek Besh font?

Our users that have visited Aurek Besh have rated it with a rating of 4.2 out of 5, with 10 votes. Do you agree? Log in or register and vote! In order to rate this font, you should log in or register first.

Are there capital letters in the Aurebesh font?

The Aurebesh does not have capital letters. Some Aurebesh fonts will flip a letter horizontally to indicate a capital letter, so if you see a horizontally flipped letter in a piece of Aurebesh text, it’s intended as a capital letter. To start learning, go to the Menu and choose Read.

Which is the easiest way to learn Aurebesh?

The categories are roughly ordered from easiest to hardest, with ‘General’ containing some basic Star Wars terminology and names whereas other categories also contain special characters and longer words. Another way to learn Aurebesh is by writing in Aurebesh!