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Biosociology youth – part biosociology emerging as a scientific concept of the interdisciplinary nature of the research and practice of complex nature phenomena of contemporary social life, emanating from the close connection of the biological and social components of human life and human communities (social communities).

Biosociology different from the concepts previously formed sociobiology, based on the ideas of social Darwinism. It is built using the general methodological thesaurus approach, revealing the base of the active role of the social subject in the social and cultural development (Lukow, 2011, 2013c).

Studied biosociology phenomena and processes in the youth show through more clearly than in other age groups, and such phenomena and processes have a significant impact on the general social phenomena and processes than those associated with other age groups. This determines the necessity of conceptualization biosociology youth as an autonomous segment biosociology (Lukow, 2013a).

Specifying tasks biosociology youth development is to identify the possible transformation of society through the accumulation of a critical mass of biological and intellectual (under the influence of factors of the environment and caused by artificial means), as well as socio-cultural change in the new generations. These possible transformation and make problem facing not only to science (in terms of the epistemological problem), but also to the social management system. New tension arising from the expected change of status, the role of youth in society, it is necessary to comprehend and predict with humanitarian expertise (Yudin, Lukow, 2006; Tishchenko 2008; Yudin, 2010; Humanities landmarks … 2014). In youth research in this area is becoming urgent biosotsiological interpretation arising from the challenges posed by the increasing closeness to the days of post human (Lukow, 2012d).

Conceptual model biosociology youth comes from the assertion that stage of life, in the corresponding period of biosocial aspect of youth, found the side of human nature, which has not undergone a thorough treatment of the culture. Youth socializative mastered the codes of the first level, in their thesauri and their core – picture of the world retains mobility, variation, interoperability with the thesauri based on other value-regulatory adjustments. At the same time, young people have escaped from under the tight control of significant others – representatives of the older generation. The combination of these two factors makes young people a unique object for forming biosociology concept.

Individual experiments affecting the nature of man as a biosocial being, open the way to possible changes in the future of human communities and new areas of social construction of reality as a mental activity and socio-cultural design as the objectified thought, especially closely related to the innovative potential of young people. No less significant in social terms, becoming pieces of information society in which young people actively transform the communicative practices, obtaining autonomy in social networks and a certain freedom from the traditional forms of social control (Lukow, Pogorsky 2014).

For biosociology young people is essential to the position on the allocation among the other properties of the youth as a leading and productive at the stage of formation of an information society the combination of two properties, referred to as “savagery” and “innovation.” Accordingly, the “savagery” + “innovation” emerge as the leading elements in the construction of the structure of youth biosociology. The “savage” is realized in the social practices associated with the cult of the body and experimentation with the body; formation of gangs as a form of “collective effort”; leadership hierarchy under the scheme: the influence of symbolic power / subordination; aggressiveness as a way to compensate for the lack of energy resources for interaction. “Innovation” is marked by such signs as the mind; freedom from conventions; extreme thirst as the thrills of adventure and interest; creativity; net. These symbols express the innovation as the symbolic capital of youth. “Wildness” means a genetic link with the biological birth, the natural and socio-cultural past. “Innovation” brings energy emissions in the future; it contains the kind of potency release.