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Inevitably becomes a risk: opening a wide road “savagery” and “innovative” youth, drawing from these properties younger generations resource of its development, the information society is vulnerable to new diseases, which in a certain perspective, is a modification of diseases of old, and not just leads prosperous civilization to decline and extinction. Bio sociological look to new resources for youth development can not connect to the understanding of bioethical frontiers of human intervention in nature and the nature of their society. In this connection, essential for the public reaction and scientific forecasting are the following problems of youth bio sociology:

  1. If the average life expectancy increased to 100 years or more, the functions of young people in society are transformed in the direction of expanding its participation in public life and at the same time slowing down the socialization (youth period is extended, the socialization of the pace slows, infantilism is expanding, increasing the period of education and profession, and so on. d).; accordingly, it is changing its social role, which can not give rise to a conflict with her social status and traditionally subordinate position in the socialization process (Lukow, 2012c);
  2. Resolution contradiction between the social role and social status of young people is to achieve new states of society, the information society. Under these conditions, the natural properties of the novation of young people get the freedom of expression not through a hierarchy of power, and through her network of autonomous community;
  3. The young people on a personal level will increase the tendency to weaken the I, its virtualization (loss of direct contact with many aspects of the real life), strengthening of infantilism and narcissism. “Wildness innovative” youth will receive additional impulses for merging into a single set of orientation;
  4. The youth in the greatest measure accumulates readiness to experiment in the field of physicality, as well as the development of intellectual and mental abilities. As the implementation of the preparedness activities Sex change, chip implantation in the body, etc.) That cover a critical mass of young people, there will be conditions for a significant transformation of worldviews and generally orientation in the surrounding reality systems (thesauri);
  5. Individual experiments affecting the nature of man as a biosocial being open the way to changes in human communities and new areas of social construction of reality as a mental activity, especially closely related to the innovative potential of young people (Lukow, 2012ab, 2013b).

Designated provisions determine the structure of the conceptual model bio sociology youth. The model was verified by taking into account the humanitarian expertise on the project carried out in 2012-2013. (Bows, 2012bc, 2013a). Examination showed significance for conceptualizing youth bio sociology value-based understanding of how a person of integrity and of society as a whole, as well as the readiness of the expert community to expand the field of their professional interests and go for interdisciplinary interaction.

In the research project “bio sociology youth: theoretical and methodological bases,” which was performed at the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Studies of Moscow University for the Humanities in 2011-2013. supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (11-06-00483-a project), the structure of the subject area of youth bio sociology was built, in which the following subject areas are highlighted:
Bio sociology as a theoretical concept (Essence bio sociology Theoretical origins bio sociology Organicist and bio sociology paradigm of social Darwinism Echoes organicist in his criticism of multiculturalism Organicist and understanding of the properties of biosocial objects Discussions about sociobiology Towards bio sociology: Ideas of Theodor Adorno, the city sociology concept the sociology of the body concept.
Bio sociology and transhumanism (Origins of transhumanism. Prospects for immortality. Transhumanist outlook. The ideology transhumanist movement. Transhumanist concept of human evolution. Cyborgization in the concept and reality).

Thesaurus approach methodologically based bio sociology (interdisciplinary strategy in research methodology. The other side of interdisciplinary and postmodernism. Applicability of the thesaurus approach to the field of bio sociology).