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Sociological Survey – a method of collecting primary sociological information, carried out in a situation of contact researchers and respondents (media study problems). Research tool is a survey question. The responses are raw data, which are subject to processing, analysis and interpretation. Social Survey are classified according to different bases. According to the number of respondents, distinguish mass, group and individual surveys. Depending on the status of the respondent in relation to the research problem (professional / amateur) emit expert and mass surveys. By way of information, surveys are divided into writing (questionnaires) and oral (interviews) polls. Depending on the nature of the contact between researchers and respondents distinguish between full-time (immediate) and correspondence (indirectly), for example, telephone, e-mail, via the media. According to the degree of formalization of the survey procedures and questionnaire isolated formal (questionnaires, formalized interview) semi formalized (interview with a guide, focused), formalized (narrative, biographical interviews). Online surveys can be written and oral correspondence.

The spread of the Internet not only provides new opportunities for the survey as a channel of communication, but also a factor in rethinking ways to obtain information about the social reality (Dudin, 2015).

Advantages formalized kinds of sociological survey (questionnaires, formalized interview) are in the opportunity to obtain mass information, relatively low cost, ease of organization of surveys and data processing. Disadvantages: the insincerity of the respondents and therefore data corruption. The mail survey is a problem return profiles.

Advantages of semi-formalized and non-formalized types of sociological survey consists in the possibility of obtaining deep, sometimes unique information about the subjective states of the respondents, their life paths and experience. The situation of interviewing allows you to properly understand the subjective meaning of certain events, phenomena of social reality from the perspective of the interviewee. Disadvantages: the ability to influence the interviewer to interviewee facial expressions, intonation; the relatively high cost.

In sociology, the youth used all kinds of sociological survey. This is reflected in the educational programs of higher education in the field of training, “Sociology”, which highlighted the specialization “Sociology of youth”.